So that failed miserably. I wrote a nice long blog using my new text blogger service and thats all that came out. One small statement cut off half way through. I won't be using that anymore. So anyway basically i am headed to the hospital again monday for three to four more days of treatment. Getting sort of tired of the stop and go but my body has to cooperate before they can give me more chemo. I did get to go to a show though Thursday night since they didn't start my chemo. Living Sacrifice was in town on their reunion tour and wow, they still have it. Amazing guitar tones, crazy fast drums and such a tight sound. It will be interesting to see where there new album goes. I am trying to keep busy by reading and not going crazy. Can't quite seem to write yet, at least musically. It's always been interesting to me how writing music seems to come in waves. I am either going crazy trying to get it all down or i have nothing, so I will leave you with a bit of a thought i had the other night. It's nothing fancy just maybe a starting point for a song later or just something to look back on at my thoughts while here in this moment.
And now i see
shrouded by my constant faltering i've failed over and over
tripped up by my own garbage, things left on the floor
the dirty room that never gets clean keeps me from reaching the door
but what if i do?
Would i even know which direction to turn to next?
i am stuck
Help me to see that light even if only for a moment
Teach me to trust in Your silence
knowing that i am headed the right way turned to Your path by past mistakes
I am moving
the last post
5 days ago
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