Monday, June 30, 2008

Busy as a Bee

So it's been a very busy last week. My sister's wedding went awesome. We were very excited to be a part of it. Rosemary looked gorgeous in her dress and Christy looked beautiful for her big day. We are very excited to have another stephen in the family. I had another Pet scan last friday and we should know the results on thursday. We are praying for a miracle and maybe a break from all this chemo, so all the prayers are appreciated. I have been working on some recordings, not my own but others. I am hoping when i am all done with this stuff to maybe get more involved with recording. I would love to have a studio to get some awesome local bands into and get them started and working there way up the ladder of playing. I certainly remember our first couple recordings with Geoff Hidden and how much fun it was and how much I appreciated learning from him. I've got one more worship opportunity this weekend. I am not leading but playing with Brian doing an acoustic set at Lakeside. Should be a lot of fun as the last one went so well. I know i keep saying this will be my last but my recovery has gone so well each time i have had more chances than i thought to keep playing. I am really excited though to get through all this junk and get better. The Lakeside Orangevale Campus has found a location and plans on starting up in September so obviously the sooner i am back the sooner I will get to start leading worship more. I just wanted to take a moment to thank some more people for all the gifts. We received some amazing home made cookies this last week that i ate up in a hurry. Also got some itunes bucks that were quickly used for albums i have been wanting for awhile. Got some free passes to golf which is always a good thing, and some more cool gift cards to Olive Garden, which Rosemary loves, and even Chevron. So thanks for all the cards and gifts and prayers. They are greatly appreciated and very much a blessing. That's all for now we'll let you know how thursday goes, hopefully even better than we are imagining. See ya

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