Over the past 2 years i have learned that while its ok to make plans i should never expect them to actually go perfectly to plan. As of today we have a plan for radiation and our first visit to Houston. I will be getting another pet scan this monday which has become a sort of dreaded place to go. If it's good news we always have to temper that since every time its been followed by bad news. Then tuesday i will see Davis and be allowed to finally be in public again and they are taking out the last borg implant for now. Then thursday i will have my radiation walk-thru where they create a template for me to lay in while they shoot the radiation so they can be very accurate about where the radiation goes. Then the following wednesday while waiting for the radiation planning and all that to happen we will visit MD Anderson for an initial visit to get there opinion on what i should do next, or what type of therapy's they offer that we can not receive here locally. Hopefully if all goes to plan i would start radiation the following week. My radiation is 25 times so it will be everyday for 5 weeks straight. The side effects for the first few weeks are supposed to be minimal but the last few i might have some almost sun burn type conditions on my skin and i might have sore throat and stuff since they will be shooting radiation in my throat where the Hodgkin's has shown up multiple times. So that's the plan but could change. I pray it doesn't. This is the soonest everything could happen and I don't need any more delays after all the delays i have had the past 2 years. I don't want there to be any more time for the growth to accelerate again. still stuck here until after next tuesday. can't wait to get back over to church to say hi and thanks for the support and maybe even try to play sometime during my radiation if i am not too beat up and you'll have me. thanks again for all the continuing support and prayers. I am getting there, just slowly.
the last post
1 month ago
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